About 2nd Friday Art Night

Art, Music, Shopping, Food and Fun in Downtown Little Rock

Downtown Little Rock is fortunate to be the home of an incredible breadth of art, culture, and history. From established museums and institutions to individual galleries, every day residents and visitors are treated to a creative environment that expands the mind and warms the soul.

To highlight such an amenity, several entities band together and host an after-hours art night every second Friday of the month. Regular hosts include Historic Arkansas Museum, Old State House Museum, Central Arkansas Library System’s Bookstore and Galleries at Library Square. Each month provides new themes and exhibits for people to explore, completely free of charge. As the area spans the Creative Corridor and River Market District, attendees are encouraged to visit several venues during the course of an evening - by car, by sponsored trolley, or on foot. Many locations provide refreshments, and downtown’s restaurants are equipped to satisfy any culture-seeker’s hunger.

Other supporters of 2nd Friday Art Night include Arkansas Destinations, The New Gallery, and Downtown Little Rock Partnership.

2nd Friday Art Night would like to thank the Department of Arkansas Heritage for our new logo.

2FAN participants Historic Arkansas Museum and Old State House Museum are members of the Department of Arkansas Heritage.

Upcoming Events

February 14th

March 14th
April 11th